DBF File Viewer

DBF Converter & DBF Viewer - the most popular
DBF editor and viewer for
Windows 9x/NT/2000/XP/Vista/Win7!

View dbf file, edit dbf file, and print dbf files!
DBF Converter & DBF File Viewer is a compact but powerful tool for viewing, editing, and printing DBF-format databases. DBF Converter & DBF Viewer uses its own database access tools and does not require external drivers for connection to databases (such as ODBC or BDE) or additional libraries (.OCX, .DLL). The program allows you to add, delete, recall, sort, zap, pack records, view and edit files in DOS or Windows character sets, get detailed database information, export to txt/html/csv/xls/xlsx format, and search in a file.



DBF Converter & DBF Viewer is a compact but powerful tool for viewing, editing, and printing DBF-format databases - screen shot.
It supports dBase, Clipper, FoxPro, Visual FoxPro and other DBF file formats. In contrast to many analogues, DBF Converter & DBF Viewer is completely a Windows 9x/NT/2000/XP/Vista program. The user friendly graphic makes working with databases simple and hassle free.
Most important parts of DBF Converter & DBF Viewer code are written in Assembler, therefore the basic operations performs fast and the .exe file is very small (only 410Kb!).
DBF Converter & DBF Viewer uses its own database access tools and does not require external drivers for connection to databases (such as ODBC or BDE) or additional libraries (.OCX, .DLL).
The program allows you to add, delete, recall, sort, zap, pack records, view and edit files in DOS or Windows character sets, get detailed database information,export dbf files to txt/html format, convert csv and xls / xlsx to dbf format, import/export from MS Excel (including MS Excel 2007!), and search in a file. DBF Converter & DBF Viewer comes with Installer/Uninstaller, documentation in HTML format, and sample files.

How to Use

DBF File Reader Options Dialog

  Options Dialog Options

Displays the DBF Reader Options dialog.

 Options Dialog


Edit mode - Sets Edit mode default.
ANSI (Windows) character set - Sets Windows character set default.
Save size and position - With this option, when DBFView is closed, the position and size of main window will be saved.
Directory - Sets the default file locations.
Tab/Enter movement - Sets the movement direction after the Tab or Enter key pressing.

    File size

Threshold of file size(KB). Files of less than this size will completely load in memory. Opening of the large files in this mode can require a lot of memory and time. If the file size is more than this parameter then the data will be read directly from the hard disk. The files of any size will open in a moment but some features will be unavailable (such as sorting).


Align column content to right
Alignment to left:

Alignment to right:

Header & Footer - Define a additional printed data here.

fix foxpro cdx files Saving Xlsx File To Dbf

Order DBF Converter & DBF Viewer for Windows

Ordering online is easy and secure. You can select the most suitable payment method: credit card, bank transfer, check, PayPal etc.. Paying a registration fee, you get the right to use the program for life and to get free updates within one year.

foxpro fix logical type

OptionTrialSingle BusinessUnlimited Business
30-day trial periodYes--
Max. number of users/computers
Commercial use-YesYes
View DBF files and database infoYesYesYes
Sort DBF file by clicking on a columnYesYesYes
Copy to the clipboard the selected recordYesYesYes
Edit Mode-YesYes
Search some text in the DBF fileYesYesYes
Printing DBF filesYesYesYes
Export to HTML, .txtYesYesYes
Import from Excel, csv-YesYes
Export to Excel, csv-YesYes
Command Line Support-YesYes
Download button

Postal Address

For feature requests, troubleshooting, general help contact Customer Support at . Make sure to include details on your operating system, a link (or relevant code), browser and DBFView version.csv2shp


   Mario Secco - Software Manager
We develop application software using any kind of DBF format file. The DBF files generated (FoxPro DBFCDX in windows format) are different from the equivalent FoxPro generated in DOS format: as a result of that the utilities I use to maintain the DBF files (mainly DBU of Clipper) are enable to manage all formats. I should have at least 3 versions of the same utility. For this matter I started a research on the web to find a more rational tool. I've downloaded several DBF managers very good products but they don't solve the compatibility problem. Only DBFView has the main feature I'm searching for : it recognizes the DBF format! And then the graphical interface of DBFView is very user friendly, agreeable to see, and the exe is very small.

   Lisa C. Stopp - Finance Administrator
I am looking at your site regarding your product DBF View. We currently use Excel 2007 on XP operating systems. We save excel files as DBF IV format so that we can import them into other software that we use. Will this program work with Excel 2007 (.xlsx)?

   Customer Support person
Yes, DBFView v3.2 supports import from Excel 2007 files (.XLSX files) to .dbf files.
Find more info about importing of XLSX files in DBFView here.

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   Henry Taylor - Software Developer
I don't do a lot of work with databases, but in connection with a research project I got hold of a CD with a 30-meg DBF file on it - 74,624 records, 23 fields, total of field widths 414 characters. At first I tried copying the file to the hard drive and reading it with Quattro Pro. This was possible, but it was slow, and pushed the program to an intolerable number of illegal errors leading to shutdown. So I went on the net and searched for DBF readers, hit apycom.com pretty soon, read the home page and decided DBFView sounded useful and inexpensive, downloaded it, and have found it to be very serviceable. The program was easy to install, reads quickly from the CD-ROM drive, finds individual records reliably and quickly enough for my purposes, and in general seems like a tremendous bargain.